There’s lots of things in favour of working from home but one of the biggest potential problems is where to work when you aren’t leaving the house. If you have a spare bedroom, a little-used dining room or other spaces that can be converted, that’s great.
But if you don’t have somewhere, it can be difficult. You don’t want to be working in high traffic areas of the house, especially if you have things like Zoom calls. That’s where adding home office extensions is a popular option.
This kind of simple extension can usually be added to a house without the need for planning permission. We can help you check this and make sure relevant building regulations are covered. But this means the process is far quicker than if full permission was needed.
Home offices can be simple rooms dedicated to the purpose or something that’s a hybrid room, serving multiple purposes. You can even create an extension that can be sectioned with removable barriers to create an office area and another living space. Just et a household rule that’s there no loud computer games in the other area while you are working!
Having an extension is a great way to add to your home and create a home office. And if things change and you no longer work from home, you have a room that can be repurposed in loads of different ways.
Contact S&D Home Improvements to discuss you home office requirements.