When investing money in your home, no matter what it is, you want it to be perfect. And this is no different when it comes to choosing the style of garden fence. Forming the perfect backdrop to any garden, garden fencing can be a significant investment, especially if you have a large garden. How do you choose the perfect garden fence?
The selection of garden fence styles, materials, styles and finishes are increasing so knowing what you want and need from your fencing is important. For example, are you buying designer panels to improve the aesthetics of the garden or is the addition of the garden fence for practical security and security reasons? If so, you’ll find there are different fencing options for both.
Choosing what is right for your garden is a daunting process but by understanding what you like as well as what you want the garden fence to deliver in terms of privacy and security will help in choosing the right fence for your budget.
There are a few things to consider when choosing your new garden fence such as;
The humble garden fence has the ability to completely change the look of your outside space but also and how you use it.
There are 3 main styles of fencing:
Solid fencing has no spacing between slats and is the ideal chose for customers wanting complete privacy in their garden. If you live on a busy street, for example, this is a great option. Like all fencing, it comes in with a range of heights. This style of fence is also ideal for reducing noise pollution too.
Semi-solid panels bring a unique look to the garden, providing privacy but also look great too. They offer less noise protection and help keep any unwanted critters out your garden. They are often used by gardeners to grow climbing plants. As they are semi-solid – there are gaps between slats etc. – they can work in windy spots of the garden.
Trellis fencing is completely open and is perfect for those who want to mark their boundary line or make their garden a little more secure. If you are wanting a more natural, less ‘absolute’ or solid finish, trellis fencing is the perfect solution for your garden. You can grow plants up the fence which will eventually cover the whole fence, giving it an even more pleasing appearance. They are also great for not blocking too much light in an area but can be useful for providing shade at the hottest part of the day.
Just as important as choosing the right style of fence for your garden and budget, is the need to ensure the fence is installed correctly. As you would expect, there are different ways of doing this, something our team can talk you through when you contact us. Why not send us an email?